What is the Difference Between Teji Mandi Flagship Portfolio and Teji Mandi Multiplier?

Teji Mandi
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The Teji Mandi App’s one-click purchase, sell, and rebalance capabilities make it simple to build a solid portfolio of high-quality stocks. This simplifies and streamlines stock market investments. In addition, the app gives simple and clear financial facts and explanations for any investment decision, whether buying or selling. Teji Mandi app is registered by SEBI.

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Teji Mandi’s founder, Vaibhav Agrawal, wants to make stock market investment more accessible to individual investors in India. He has a bachelor’s degree in computer science from the University of Pennsylvania and an MBA from the London Business School. With more than a decade of stock market expertise, Vaibhav polished his investment talents under the tutelage of Mr. Raamdeo Agrawal. This mentorship provided him with a thorough understanding of investment trends and methods, which he currently uses to lead Teji Mandi’s flagship portfolio and Teji Mandi Multiplier, which offer great investment options to a wider audience.


Mr. Raamdeo Agrawal is a co-founder of Motilal Oswal Financial Services, a comprehensive financial services organization focused on Indian equity capital markets and research. As chairman of MOFSL’s asset management arm, Motilal Oswal Asset Management Company, he has had a considerable impact on the company’s strategy and investment philosophy. Mr. Agrawal created the ‘QGLP’ (Quality Growth, Longevity, and Favorable Price) Investment Framework and the ‘Buy Right, Sit Tight’ concept, which guide the group’s investment strategy. His commitment to study is obvious in his role as author of the annual Motilal Oswal Wealth development Study since 1996, as well as his book ‘The Art of Wealth Creation,’ which draws on his considerable wealth development research.

Teji Mandi Flagship Portfolio vs Teji Mandi Multiplier




Portfolio Type

Concentrated portfolio

Well-diversified portfolio

Number of Stocks

15-20 stocks

Multiple Midcap and Smallcap companies

Stock Type

Blend of short-term tactical bets and long-term winners

Midcap and Smallcap stocks

Minimum Investment Amount



Investment Horizon

12-18 months (long-term winners) and 3-6 months (special situations)

4-5 years (long-term growth)

Risk Level

Moderately high due to tactical bets

High due to nature of Midcap and Smallcap stocks




Subscription Fee

₹ 99/month for 12 months

₹ 399/month for 6 months




Potential Returns

Benefit from compounding and special situations

Strong returns over the long term (4-5 years)


Special company/sector situations and long-term growth

Long-term growth through Midcap and Smallcap stocks

Subscription charges

Subscription Plan

Flagship Portfolio

Multiplier Portfolio

3 months

₹ 1,497 (₹ 499 per month)

6 months

₹ 894 (₹ 149 per month)

₹ 2,394 (₹ 399 per month)

12 months

₹ 1,188 (₹ 99 per month)

₹ 3,588 (₹ 299 per month)

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The Teji Mandi app provides two portfolio options: the Flagship and Multiplier portfolio. The Flagship portfolio is focused, with 15-20 stocks that include a combination of short-term tactical plays and long-term winners, making it ideal for people seeking moderate risk and a shorter investment horizon of 12-18 months.

In contrast, the Multiplier portfolio is well-diversified, focused on Midcap and Smallcap stocks for long-term growth over 4-5 years, with a higher risk but potentially better return. Subscription fees vary, with the Flagship portfolio being cheaper.

If you have a greater investing budget and a longer time horizon, the Multiplier portfolio is recommended. Otherwise, the Flagship portfolio is a good fit for those with a more conventional budget.


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