if you want to contact your broker and not finding details anywhere, demat directory is for you to have a look coz it is the single place where you get contact details of all stock brokers in india. Customer care number of more than 50 best demat accounts like zerodha/upstox/groww/angelone are available here.

Sr. No. | Stock Broker | Customer care number | Website Link | |
1 | Angel One Open Account | 080 4748 0048 | support@angelbroking.com | https://www.angelone.in/contact-us |
2 | Upstox Open Account | 022-6130-9999 /022-41792999 | support@upstox.com | https://upstox.com/contact-us/ |
3. | Zerodha Open Account | 080 4718 1888 / 080 4718 1999 | renu.pd@zerodha.com | https://zerodha.com/contact/ |
4. | Groww | 9108800604 | support@groww.in | https://groww.in/help/ |
5. | Paytm Money Open Account | Not Available | feedback@paytmmoney.com | https://www.paytmmoney.com/contact-us Contact details of all stock brokers in india |
6. | 5 paisa | 089766 89766 | support@5paisa.com | https://www.5paisa.com/contact-us |
7. | Kotak Securities | 1800 209 9191 | service.securities@kotak.com | https://mtrade.kotaksecurities.com/ksweb/Contact-Us |
8. | IIFL securities | 022-4007 1000 /1860-267-3000 / 7039-050-000 | cs@indiainfoline.com / customergrievances@indiainfoline.com | https://www.indiainfoline.com/demat/customer-support |
9. | HDFC Securities | 022-39019400 / 022- 49360469 | infodp@hdfcbank.com / complianceofficer@hdfcsec.com | https://www.hdfcsec.com/contact-us |
10. | ICICI Direct | 022-40701841 / 1860 123 1122 | helpdesk@icicidirect.com | https://www.icicidirect.com/services/customer-service |
11. | SBI Securities | 022 6854 5555 | complaints@sbicapsec.com | https://www.sbisecurities.in/contact-us |
12. | M stock | 1800 2100 818 | help@mstock.com | https://www.mstock.com/contact-us |
13. | Finvasia | 172-474-0000 /172-675-0000 | clientsupport@finvasia.in / contactus@finvasia.in | https://finvasia.com/contact-us |
14. | Dhan | 022-48906273 | help@dhan.co | https://dhan.co/customer-service/ |
15. | Stoxkart | 1800-11-3331 | contact@stoxkart.com | https://www.stoxkart.com/contact-us.php |
16. | Aliceblue | 8035215000 | askus@aliceblueindia.com | https://aliceblueonline.com/contact-us/ |
17. | Motilal Oswal | 022 67490600 | query@motilaloswal.com | https://www.motilaloswal.com/contact-us |
18. | Axis Direct | 1860 419 5555 / 18002100808 | helpdesk@axisdirect.in | https://simplehai.axisdirect.in/contactus |
19. | Sharekhan | 022 6115 1111 | myaccount@sharekhan.com | https://www.sharekhan.com/corporatepartnership/contact-us |
20. | Fyers | 080-60001111 | support@fyers.in | https://fyers.in/contact-us/ |
21. | IDBI Direct Securities | 1800-22-3366, 022-3913 5001, 1800 200 3388 | custcare@idbidirect.in | https://www.idbidirect.in/Contact-Us.aspx |
22. | Nirmal Bang Securities | 022-29992100/ 022-30052100 | customer.care@nirmalbang.com | https://www.nirmalbang.com/contact-us.aspx |
23. | Profitmart Securities | 020 4911 9119/ 8007 384 384/9834422163/ 9970323240/ | support@profitmart.in | https://profitmart.in/get-in-touch/ Contact details of all stock brokers in india |
24. | Religare | 1860-25-88888 / 8068713412 | wecare@religareonline.com | https://religareonline.com/religare-support-services |
25. | Geojit | 1800-425-5501 / 1800-103-5501 | customercare@geojit.com | https://www.geojit.com/contact |
26. | Nuvama (Edelweiss) | 1800 – 102 – 3335 | helpdesk@nuvama.com | https://www.nuvamawealth.com/support.html |
27. | Choice Broking | 88 2424 2424 | customercare@choiceindia.com | https://choiceindia.com/contact-us |
28. | SMC Global Securities | 011- 30111000 | contact@smcindiaonline.com | https://www.smctradeonline.com/contact-us.aspx |
29. | Swastika Investment | 0120-4400777/0731 6688000 | helpdesk@swastika.co.in | https://www.swastika.co.in/contact-us |
30. | Anand Rathi | 0141 414 0000 | customersupport@rathi.com | https://anandrathi.com/Home/support |
31. | Reliance Securities | 1800-266-5844/022 41596000 | 022 62436000 | customer.support@rsec.co.in | https://www.reliancesmartmoney.com/Insights/customer-care |
32. | Aditya Birla Money | 1800-270-7000 | care.stocksandsecurities@adityabirlacapital.com | https://www.adityabirlacapital.com/customer-services |
33. | Dhani | 011-41052775/022-6144-6300 | helpdesk@dhani.com | https://www.dhanistocks.com/support Contact details of all stock brokers in india |
34. | JM financial services | 022-5023 7000 | customer.support@jmfl.com | https://www.jmfinancialservices.in/get-in-touch/contact-us |
35. | Bajaj Finserv | 8698010101/1800-833-8888 | connect@bajajfinserv.in | https://www.bajajfinserv.in/call-us |
36. | JK securities | 02692-225000 | info@jksecurities.com | https://www.jksecurities.com/contact-us |
37. | Canara Bank Securities | 022 22802445 / 448 or 022 22802400/ 022 43603800 | customercare@canmoney.in | https://www.canmoney.in//contact-us |
38. | Astha Credit and Securities | 0755-6693355/0755-4268599 | support@asthatrade.com | https://asthatrade.com/contact-us |
39. | Tradebulls Securities | 022 4000 1000/022 4888 2888 | wecare@tradebulls.in | https://www.tradebulls.in/contact-us |
40. | Moneywise Invest | 020 8552 5521 | info@moneywisequoteme.com | https://www.moneywiseplc.co.uk/contact |
41. | Arihant Capital Markets | 0731-4217003/0731-2581003 | customersupport@arihantcapital.com | https://www.arihantcapital.com/contact-us Contact details of all stock brokers in india |
42. | Prostocks | 022 62 43 43 43 | support@prostocks.com | https://www.prostocks.com/contact-us.html |
43. | Karvy Stock broker | 1800 419 8283 | NA | https://www.karvy.com/contact-us |
44. | Flattrade | 044-45609696 | help@flattrade.in | https://flattrade.in/contact |
45. | Bonanza | 022-68363775 / 739 / 708 | customercare@bonanzaonline.com | https://www.bonanzaonline.com/contact.php |
46. | Marwadi Shares and Finance | 0281-6192000 /0281-7174000 | inquiry@marwadionline.in | https://www.marwadionline.com/contact-us |
47. | Monarch Capital Ltd | 022-43211800 /079-26666500/ 1800 22 0223 | info@mnclgroup.com | https://www.mnclgroup.com/contactus Contact details of all stock brokers in india |
48. | Yes Securities | 022 6884 1888 | customer.service@ysil.in | https://www.yesinvest.in/contact |
49. | Integrated Enterprise | 0863-2326624 / 2337809 | guntur@integratedindia.in | https://www.integratedindia.in/ContactUs.aspx |
50. | Way2wealth Brokers | 1800 203 3690 / 91 80 47185579 | contact@way2wealth.com | https://www.way2wealth.com/customer-care/contact-us/ |
we recommend these brokers as per your needs
for Traders Upstox is best because of best mobile app in industry with 4.6* rating.
Open upstox account- https://upstox.com/open-account/?f=23AV3U
For investors Angel one is suitable because of diverse features like free stock tips and zero delivery charges.
Open Angel one Account- https://angel-one.onelink.me/Wjgr/45108rvq
this is list about contact details of all stock brokers in india and also a listy of 50 best demat accounts in india.
plz have a look towards this article for best brokerage free demat accounts in india.
Which broker gives a good referral money?
upstox and angelone