What Does 60/40 Rule in Trading Mean?

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Hey there! Let me take you to something really interesting and just as importantly easy to grasp – the 60/40 rule in trading. They make it sound like some sort of witchcraft (okay, so it is not entirely like that), but it involves guiding people on where to put their money for optimum return. Do not worry anyhow, I’ll keep it easy, enjoyable and very understandable and if you are a complete novice then you’ll soon grasp it. Let’s dive in!

What is the 60/40 Rule?

The 60/40 rule is a rule of thumb to invest your money. The rule says:

  • On average you should invest 60% of your money for the zesty, the exciting which are stocks.
  • Remember 40% of your fund should be invested in bonds, which is more stable than the other portion.

This combination is like yin and yang—gaining a proper way to increase your money without having too much risk.

Why 60% in Stocks?

Investing in stocks is like in a roller coaster ride, frequent drops and rises but if you are in it in the long run, then you are going to make a ton of profits. For instance, if your investment is in stocks, you can potentially achieve between 10% of your earnings annually on average (just as an example).

Far the 60% in stocks this is where your money goes out with the opportunity to make big and grow strong. It is as if you are planting trees in a garden that germinate into amazingly huge trees!

The 60/40 rule offers a balanced approach to investing by balancing the growth potential of stocks with the stability of bonds. With Angel One, you can smoothly adopt this strategy by leveraging advanced tools, professional insights, and a user-friendly platform to diversify your portfolio and meet your financial objectives. Open an account with Angel OneClick here

Why 40% in Bonds?

Bonds are the security cover of the portfolio a product which gives you a warm and cozy feeling. These don’t expand at the rate that stocks do but they are constant and dependable. Some days (or years), your stocks might lose value, but your bonds will help your investment situation stay afloat. It’s like having a friend who will be right there coming to your rescue.

Why Do People Use the 60/40 Rule?

Keeping the 60/40 balance is easy and effective for many reasons because most people can follow this rule. Here’s why:

Balance Between Risk and Reward:

Stocks are one type of investment that many people like to take because they can offer great returns for the risk taken. The other form of investment which is bond investment is safe though not that commercially exciting. Combined, they offer you a good balance.

Less Stress:

If the stock market falls, the bonds held in your portfolio will give you a better night’s sleep.

Good for Retirement:

When you are young, you cannot have time for precaution because you are risky; but as you grow older, you cannot afford to be very risky. The 60/40 mix is effective for long-term goals ones like establishing retirement projects.

What Happened in 2022?

Alright, let me tell you why some people began to have doubts about the 60/40 rule. In 2022 one of the strange occurrences that befell the market was a decline in both stocks and bonds. As the rule of thumb goes, stocks usually decline when bonds shoot up and vice versa so that they cancel each other out. But in 2022, we had:

  • They have crazy inflation, meaning that all prices of things went up.
  • Higher interest rates (which are negative for bonds).

Hence, the 60/40 portfolio had a rather volatile year. Some investors began uttering the words “Could it be that 60/40 is not good to use?”

Is the 60/40 Rule Still Good in 2025?

Now again because of lower inflation bonds are performing far better than stocks.

  • The interest rates are high; thus, newer bonds are paying out more money.
  • Stocks have recovered, and the growth in stock prices has resumed once again.

As a matter of fact, in 2023 and 2024 the 60/40 portfolio was looking really good, at about 17.7 % in 2023 and 15.5 % in 2024 (up to November). Not bad, right?

Should You Use the 60/40 Rule?

Now if you are looking to get started with your investing, the 60/40 is a good starting point. Please remember this fact, though that no two individuals are the same. Here are some tips to decide if it’s right for you:

Think About Your Goals:

What’s your reason for saving, are you saving for retirement, a vacation, or saving for the future in general?

Know Your Risk Level:

The 60/40 rule is the best if you do not wish to have experiencing a huge shock to your system.

Be Ready to Adjust:

There is nothing rigid about the 60/40 split between business and happiness. You can twist it as you go.

What Are the Alternatives?

As for introducing the 60/40 rule, some experts are convinced that such modern market ratios are insufficient. They suggest adding other things to your portfolio, like:

  • Property (being the owner of some sort of land).
  • Assets as such – Tangible assets such as gold or oil.
  • Private equity which is investment in private companies.

Thus, bonds are such as inflation-protected bonds (bonds that grow in proportion to the inflation rate). These choices can further diversify your portfolio, which is good because it means you’re taking less risks.

Implement the 60/40 rule effortlessly with Angel One’s smart tools and expert insights for a balanced portfolio. Open an account with Angel OneClick here


Just as a recipe is a ‘recipe for success’ so the 60/40 rule is like a recipe for investing. Their stock has been on the shelves for the past four decades and for good reason, it does the job. Therefore, let’s consider the 60/40 rule as a perfect starting point – no matter if you’re a newcomer to investing or seeking a good strategy. Get rich and may your portfolio body grow big and strong!

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