Do you think putting your money in a Stable Money FD will save you from the monster called “महंगाई”? Think again! What they promise might not be the whole truth, and you could actually be losing money without even realizing it. Let me explain how. Check out this article for more info about Stable Money.
Stable Money is becoming popular because they say they give up to 9.1% returns on their Fixed Deposits (FDs). But is this enough to beat inflation? Let’s see:
1. Inflation is Eating Your Money!
In India, inflation is around 6% on average, but in some things like medicine and healthcare, it goes up to 14%. Even basic things like food often have higher inflation. So, even if your FD gives you 9% returns, you are still not keeping up with inflation in many areas. Your money is losing its value instead of growing.
2. Not Everyone Gets 9.1%
The 9.1% return is not what everyone gets. Only a few banks offer this, and most FDs give around 7% returns. On top of that, the income from FDs is taxed! So, after paying taxes, the real return is even lower. Maybe around 5-6%. This means your money is not growing, and the monster “महंगाई” is still winning.
Instead of just putting your money in FDs, why not invest in something that beats inflation. In this case, you can choose a trusted platform. I would recommend Angelone. It lets you invest in mutual funds and stocks. It offers better returns than FDs and helps your money grow faster. To open account in angelone, please follow this link.
Final Words
Stable Money FDs might sound safe, but they won’t protect your money from inflation. Your money will lose value over time, and you might not even realize it. Be smart and invest in things that beat inflation, like mutual funds or stocks. Don’t let inflation win.
Stable Money
Fixed Deposit